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October 26, 2004-BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 26, 2004

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7pm.

Present: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.



HYW- David Keanneally is working on Hutchinson Road.  Mr. Keanneally is working on the culvert on Bailey Road.  Selectman DeBold advised he spoke to Pam Mitchell regarding replacement of the culvert.  Pam Mitchell said the State should contribute to the replacement with the culvert and wants Chichester to help out, by providing a flagger.

The big truck is in service and needs a driver.  Mr. Keanneally advised the Board that he can not find anyone with a CDL license who is willing to work part-time and work without benefits.  It was suggested that Mr. Keanneally place an ad in the newspaper for a part-time driver.  Mr. Keaneally needs to get his CDL license.  Mr. Keaneally said he is working on getting his license.

Back Road Extension:  Mr. Keanneally spoke to Mike and Marie McKay regarding the completion of the road.  The McKays told Mr. Keanneally that the road would be completed. The Board decided that a letter should go out the McKays explaining to them that the road needs to be completed by November 15, 2004 or they would not get an occupancy permit for this year.  Patty is going to send a letter to the McKays advising them of the deadline, including what needs to be done before an occupancy permit can be granted.  Occupancy permit will be granted upon the approval of Mr. Keaneally.

PD- Robert Kitson stated that Patrolman Scott will be completed with his training by November 19, 2004 and that Patrolman Scott is doing very well.

Chief Patrick Clark reviewed the budget and is satisfied with it.

Changing of dispatching will be put on hold until after the election.

FD-The hole was dug for the propane tank, however, the propane tank is the wrong size.   Tepper promised to be in to check the leaking window.  Mike Paveglio asked Bob Kitson if they could keep the door closed in the entry way between the police department and fire department.  Mr. Paveglio asked what the impact funds could be used for.  Patty is going to call Attorney Bart Mayer and ask him what the funds could be used for.

BI-David Paveligo had a inquiry regarding Harvest Road Lot 38-11.  The question was: Are these lots subject to the impact fee? The answer was no.  An impact fee of $36,000 was paid on these lots.

SUBJECT:  Mr. James Wilson, who owns 26 Cross Road, Map 4 Lot 7-1, came to the Board asking what was going to be done about Marsh’s Dam.  Mr. Wilson lost his driveway during the August flood.  Mr. Wilson inquired about getting relief and asked if he could be copied on all correspondence relating to the dam.  A decision regarding the dam must be made before Spring.  Selectman DeBold mentioned the possibility of asking the State for emergency dredging.  The Board will discuss and review possible rectification of the dam.

SUBJECT:  Selectmen met with four candidates for the Budget Committee.  The Selectmen will discuss each candidate and make a decision by November 9, 2004.

SUBJECT:        Doug Hall spoke to the Board regarding the elections.  Mr. Hall expects approximately 1,300 voters.  Mr. Hall requested that a police officer be present during the elections from 7AM until all ballots are counted.  Mr. Hall also requested a change in set-up of the voting machines and tables.  Also, Mr. Hall will need another ballot box.  Selectman DeBold offered to go to Staples to purchase a secure ballot box.

SUBJECT:        The Library Committee, Margaret Haskell, Pat Hauck and Carolee Davison requested a warrant article for money for more library space and the library needs a ADA approved counter.  The libraries capital reserve is being held for a new roof.


A letter from Avitar regarding  Mr.  & Mrs. Robert Gagne’s property (Map 7 Lot 17-4) was discussed.  The Board decided that the fairest approach to remedy the current situation regarding the land use tax was to take the average sales price of similar sized lots for 2001 and base the land use tax on that information.  Patty will send a letter to the Gagne’s explaining the land use tax for their property.

A discuss was held regarding Mr. Robert Morse’s water.  Selectman DeBold spoke to “Joe” at Aqua Lab requiring why the raw water was not tested at Mr. Morse’s home.  Joe did not know why and stated that he would do his best to get a raw water sample.  Patty advised that Aaron’s Water System did not test Mr. Morse’s water.

The Town Clerk would like to be able to issue fishing and hunting licenses.  The Town would collect $1.50 for each license and the Town Clerk would like to keep $.50 for each license.  The Board would like to further discuss this with the Town Clerk.

Patty was asked to send a letter to Mr. Saturley regarding his abatement.  Mr. Saturley’s abatement was denied.

The Budget Committee is tentatively scheduled to meet with the Selectmen on November 16, 2004 at 8PM.

General correspondence was reviewed.

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned at 11:00PM.

Be advised there is no Board of Selectmen meeting on November 2, 2004

Respectfully submitted:

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery